Multi-base Assault Ladder - Xbox

Do you like shooting other people’s tanks for fun, but don’t like to be tied down to a fixed play schedule and a set number of players? Then “The Ladder” is where you and your clan want to be.
The Ladder uses a scientifical, rocket science, smarter-than-your-average-bear, algorithm ( to rank teams.

You can play 1v1 up to 10v10 pre-arranged matches, for maximum clan flexibility. This is excellent if your clan mates are way less unicum than you and need to do this silly thing called ‘life”.
Say you have a sister clan of whipper snappers who want to try playing in comps, but aren’t sure? Well, invite them to play on your regular team as scrubs.... um, subs. You may have up to a 50-50 mix.
If this isn’t bendy backwards enough, there are/is,

• Provisions for 1 mercenary/vigilante to play on a team
• The flexibility to play whenever you or you clan wants. (ie no fixed schedule)
• The choice to play “Multi base Assault” (Default game mode) or the traditional “Encounter” mode.

Of course there are other rules that strive to make things fair and fun.
So Tankers, it doesn’t get any easier or more convenient than this. We currently have 14 active teams and are looking for more!


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