
The list below only includes the group's shared matches.

2022-11-01 20:06
6 - Dune

Kaputnik - Leto Atreidis
2nd JanHSon Graf Torwalt > 3rd DrFabian - Paul Atreidis > 4th OldSim - Graf Liban Ricchese

2022-10-28 15:04
5 - Gaia project

JanHSon - Firaks
2nd OldSim - Gleens > 3rd DrFabian - Terrans > 4th Kaputnik Bal Taks

2022-10-18 19:03
4 - Gaia project

JanHson - Xenos
2nd OldSim - Geodens > 3rd Kaputnik - Bescods

2022-10-11 18:27
3 - Gaia projekt

Kaputnik - Itars
2nd JanHson - Gleens > 3rd OldSim - BalTaks

2022-09-27 19:00
2 - Dominant Species

DrFabian - Arachnids
2nd JanHson - Insects > 3rd OldSim - Mammals > 4th Kaputnik - Reptiles > 5th Blednyi - Birds

2022-09-23 15:03
1 - Terra Mystica

Kaputnik - Giants
2nd DrFabian - Witches > 3rd JanHSon - Swarmlings > 4th Blednyi - Alchemists > 5th OldSim - Fakirs

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