Pokemon TCG at Round Table Games

Players assume the role of a Pokémon trainer and use their Pokémon to battle their opponents'. Players play Pokémon to the field and attack their opponent's Pokémon. A Pokémon that has sustained enough damage is knocked out, and the player who knocked it out draws a Prize card. There are usually six Prize cards, and the primary win condition is to draw all of them. Other ways to win are by knocking out all the Pokémon the opponent has on the field such that the opponent has none left, or if at the beginning of their opponent's turn there are no cards left to draw in the opponent's deck.
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Game weights:
Ultralight = casual games played by staff members
Light =
Mid-Light = Casual games involving one or more staff members and non-staff-members, casual games reported by players
Normal = League matches
Heavy = League Challenges
Massive = Prereleases
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