
Smart tools and big platforms powered by Laravel and React, developed by a team of ambitious webdevelopers.


P W D L W/L W%
Job de Boer 767 578 0 189 3.058 75.4%
Rick Dijkmans 65 41 0 24 1.708 63.1%
Virgil de Meijer 42 26 0 16 1.625 61.9%
Rico Clark 383 212 0 171 1.240 55.4%
lexveldt 23 11 0 12 0.917 47.8%
Vlaarhovski 463 216 0 247 0.874 46.7%
Jip Veeke 15 6 1 8 0.765 43.3%
CasperScrumble 40 17 0 23 0.739 42.5%
Mennovm 39 16 0 23 0.696 41.0%
Luuk de Weijer 340 129 0 211 0.611 37.9%
Stijn Vergauwen 8 3 0 5 0.600 37.5%
Bas 73 21 1 51 0.417 29.5%
Kevin van Herwijnen 15 4 0 11 0.364 26.7%
Jeremy Doeve 68 18 0 50 0.360 26.5%
Servi Huijbregts 392 101 0 291 0.347 25.8%
Timo de Wit 28 6 0 22 0.273 21.4%
Paul Boerma 50 10 0 40 0.250 20.0%
StefanMermans 10 1 0 9 0.111 10.0%
Quinten Muijser 11 1 0 10 0.100 9.1%
Lucaspeters 4 0 0 4 - -
*ChrisTheJuan 4 2 0 2 - -
Koenanas 3 1 0 2 - -
LeviLevi 3 3 0 0 - -
theazuro 2 0 0 2 - -
*Player 002 1 0 0 1 - -
P = Matches played | W = Wins | D = Draws | L = Losses | W/L = Win/loss ratio | W% = Winning percentage